Tuesday, September 6, 2011

lots of new things coming

I created this blog and sort of went MIA. That sort of sucked, but I'm back baby! I am bringing in reinforcements too... The only person I know that reads as much as I do, is my dear brother. I invited him to share his opinions on the various books he reads. We have similar tastes in books, but we do vary on opinions and sometimes genres. If you would like to have either one of us read/review your books feel free to contact us.

You can look forward to several new updates in the weeks to come. I have been on a war path reading different genres lately and I have fallen completely in love with a few new writers. Keep your eyes peeled for new reading suggestions and just all around awesome reviews. You won't be sorry!

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Sample text

Sample Text

I review for BookSneeze®

Sample Text

Fate's Edge- Ilona Andrews
Tricked- Kevin Hearne (IDC 4)
The Doors of Stone (King Killer Chronicles) Patrick Rothfuss
Whatever Jim Butcher writes in 2012
Bear meets Girl- Shelly Laurenston
Biting Cold- Chloe Neill
Sacrificial Magic- Stacia Kane
Molly Harper- Jane Madison Nice Girls don't Bite Their Neighbors
Patricia Briggs- Omega #3
more, but that's a good start for now.