
Review Guidelines

I realized after I gave Nicole's (most awesome) book a B+ I didn't clarify what that meant. Which I will admit is pretty lame on my part. So i think I will break it down for you here.

A- to A+= Perfection, wouldn't change a thing, I love the writing style, It made me think and/or go outside my comfort zone.
some examples:
American Gods-Neill Gaiman
The Fixer- Bernard Malamud 
The Lemon Tree-  Sandy Tolan
That is some hefty competition to ever jump into A status.

B- to B+- Enjoyed the book, perhaps even loved the book. Definitely recommendation worthy.

C- to C+- Liked the book, maybe felt like there was something missing, or something annoyed me on the basic level.

I won't review a book that doesn't get at least a C-. No worries about D or F books. I don't feel like I am in this to rip into another author.

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Sample Text

I review for BookSneeze®

Sample Text

Fate's Edge- Ilona Andrews
Tricked- Kevin Hearne (IDC 4)
The Doors of Stone (King Killer Chronicles) Patrick Rothfuss
Whatever Jim Butcher writes in 2012
Bear meets Girl- Shelly Laurenston
Biting Cold- Chloe Neill
Sacrificial Magic- Stacia Kane
Molly Harper- Jane Madison Nice Girls don't Bite Their Neighbors
Patricia Briggs- Omega #3
more, but that's a good start for now.