Friday, June 8, 2012

Mini-roadtrip tomorrow

This isn't a book review, but it's book related(and I want to brag!), so I'll go ahead and post about it. 
Tomorrow, I, along with the awesome sister and her hubs, are riding up the road a piece to meet the incredible Mr. Kevin Hearne! He is the author of the fun-filled urban fantasy Iron Druid Chronicles. 
His series is chock full of great wit and adventure. They involve a lot fun twists and turns on all different kinds of theology and are just plain 'ol fun to read.

 I am going to take my copy of Tricked and get him to sign it and hopefully chew the fat with him for a few.  I'm super dorkcited!

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I review for BookSneeze®

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Fate's Edge- Ilona Andrews
Tricked- Kevin Hearne (IDC 4)
The Doors of Stone (King Killer Chronicles) Patrick Rothfuss
Whatever Jim Butcher writes in 2012
Bear meets Girl- Shelly Laurenston
Biting Cold- Chloe Neill
Sacrificial Magic- Stacia Kane
Molly Harper- Jane Madison Nice Girls don't Bite Their Neighbors
Patricia Briggs- Omega #3
more, but that's a good start for now.